Select Starting Date:
Number of Working Days (optional)

Click in field above, select date from calendar, optionally select number of working days (default is 30),
click [Calculate], then scroll to bottom of the page
WORKING DAYS CALCULATORCalculating 30 working days from today
Starting Date:
Thursday December 26, 2024

Day 0: 12/26/2024 Thursday [*]
Day 1: 12/27/2024 Friday
12/28/2024 Saturday is a weekend or holiday
12/29/2024 Sunday is a weekend or holiday
Day 2: 12/30/2024 Monday
12/31/2024 Tuesday is a weekend or holiday
Day 3: 01/01/2025 Wednesday
Day 4: 01/02/2025 Thursday
Day 5: 01/03/2025 Friday
01/04/2025 Saturday is a weekend or holiday
01/05/2025 Sunday is a weekend or holiday
Day 6: 01/06/2025 Monday
Day 7: 01/07/2025 Tuesday
Day 8: 01/08/2025 Wednesday
Day 9: 01/09/2025 Thursday
Day 10: 01/10/2025 Friday
01/11/2025 Saturday is a weekend or holiday
01/12/2025 Sunday is a weekend or holiday
Day 11: 01/13/2025 Monday
Day 12: 01/14/2025 Tuesday
Day 13: 01/15/2025 Wednesday
Day 14: 01/16/2025 Thursday
Day 15: 01/17/2025 Friday
01/18/2025 Saturday is a weekend or holiday
01/19/2025 Sunday is a weekend or holiday
Day 16: 01/20/2025 Monday
Day 17: 01/21/2025 Tuesday
Day 18: 01/22/2025 Wednesday
Day 19: 01/23/2025 Thursday
Day 20: 01/24/2025 Friday
01/25/2025 Saturday is a weekend or holiday
01/26/2025 Sunday is a weekend or holiday
Day 21: 01/27/2025 Monday
Day 22: 01/28/2025 Tuesday
Day 23: 01/29/2025 Wednesday
Day 24: 01/30/2025 Thursday
Day 25: 01/31/2025 Friday
02/01/2025 Saturday is a weekend or holiday
02/02/2025 Sunday is a weekend or holiday
Day 26: 02/03/2025 Monday
Day 27: 02/04/2025 Tuesday
Day 28: 02/05/2025 Wednesday
Day 29: 02/06/2025 Thursday
Day 30: 02/07/2025 Friday

Ending Date
Friday February 07, 2025
HOLIDAYS FOR: (Please Select)
  • Christmas Eve (2023) = 2023-12-24
  • Christmas Day (2023) = 2023-12-25
  • New Year's Eve (2023) = 2023-12-31
  • New Year's Day = 2024-01-01
    New Year's Day Observed = 2024-01-01
  • Martin Luther King Day Observed (3rd Monday in January) = 2024-01-15
  • President's Day Observed (3rd Monday in February) = 2024-02-19
  • Good Friday = 2024-03-29
  • Easter = 2024-03-31
  • Memorial Day Observed (Last Monday in May) = 2024-05-27
  • Independence Day = 2024-07-04
    Independence Day Observed = 2024-07-04
  • Labor Day Observed (1st Monday in September) = 2024-09-02
  • Columbus Day Observed (2nd Monday in October) = 2024-10-14
  • Veterans' Day = 2024-11-11
  • Thanksgiving (4th Thursday in November) = 2024-11-28
  • Day After Thanksgiving (4th Friday in November) = 2024-11-35
  • Christmas Eve (2024) = 2024-12-24
  • Christmas Day (2024) = 2024-12-25
  • New Year's Eve(2024) = 2024-12-31