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Educational Services Division


On Monday, August 7, 1995, the Educational Service Center (ESC) in Charleston was disbanded and the services were assumed by what was once called the Educational Service Region (ESR) or the Regional Superintendent of Schools’ Office. Now together, these are called the Regional Office of Education (ROE). Regional Superintendent, Julie Wollerman, and her office are responsible for providing many of the educational services previously provided by the ESC in Charleston. To coordinate these mandated services, the Educational Services Division was created.

These are seven areas mandated by the 1993 legislation that created these changes. The services promised through this legislation are: 

  1. School Improvement Planning Assistance
  2. Staff Development in Fundamental Learning Areas (including mathematics, social studies, language arts, fine arts, biological/physical sciences, physical development/health);
  3. Gifted Education;
  4. Administrator’s Academy;
  5. Computer Technology Services;
  6. Directory of Cooperating Consultants;
  7. Clearinghouse for Educational Resources and Materials (resource library and equipment loan).

In addition, an annual needs assessment is required.

The Educational Services Division also provides services through the following state and federal grants: McKinney-Vento Homeless Children and Youth Education Grant for Area V and Illinois Empower Services.

Contact Information:
Angela Reeter 
(618) 283-9311
1500 W Jefferson
Vandalia, IL 62471


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